Each person diagnosed with Autism/Aspergers Syndrome is uniquely different and typically gifted with a special area of interest or talent. Aspergers101.org would like to celebrate those with Autism by spotlighting a picture (you provide) depicting them in their element.

Today we spotlight Nikki Jeanette who enjoys combining the love of drawing with her desire to show a day in the life of living with autism. Nikki created a comic strip series she titled:  “AuTalkz”.

Nikki drawing
Nikki Jeanette



You can find more of Nikki’s work AuTalkz here .


Want to get featured on Celebrating the Uniqueness of Autism?  Send us a picture, with a brief description, depicting your talent or taking part in your specific area of interest. We will post on your picture on Aspergers101.org and possibility feature independently across our social media sites! Go to Celebrating the Uniqueness of Autism for more information!

This week’s edition of Autistically Speaking features Nicole, aka “Nikki.”

Nikki drawingI run the webcomic “AuTalkz”, and I have Asperger’s Syndrome.

When I would get overwhelmed (overstimulated), I would have a panic attack.  I didn’t know how to deal with it, so I just started doodling. In eighth grade, drawing my favorite Dragon Ball and Digimon characters became a way for me to calm myself down while in class, even though it was only a step up from stick figures.Continue Reading

There is a lot of heated debate going on right now between, what some are calling the Vaxxers and the Anti-Vaxxers. These two opposing groups both have very valid reasons behind their argument. The basic picture is simple: Despite over-whelming scientific consensus that the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines do not cause autism (Shwed and Bearman 2010), many people believe otherwise. Many “Vaxxers” have expressed the opinion that “Anti-Vaxxers” are deluded and irresponsible in their decision to not vaccinate their children. I, on the other hand, am in a very precarious position. My husband is a true Anti-Vaxxer whereas I believe that there is Oh, So Much More To The Story than vaccines that simply leads to the symptoms of Autism, but I can understand both sides.

stress concept

The whole thing with this debate has a enormous amount to do with how much the public can trust Big Brother. (Oh yes, she did say that!) Now, Big Brother is really just the modern day ‘Boogie Man’ but there are valid reasons why it is so difficult for many to just take the word of any organization under government endorsement. The CDC has been under question for years, the FDA has consistently been under scrutiny over poor decisions that have put our health in jeopardy, and so has science in general. Now remember, I’m not one to try to persuade anybody to one belief or the other, I’m just here to explain why some parents have made a conscious decision to not vaccinate. If we address the “why” instead of persecuting the parent, than we can perhaps make a change with the way things are being done. Because when it comes down to it, we all just want what is right for the wellbeing of our children.Continue Reading

When asked to think about a particular fashion brand, Karen doesn’t try to hide how dissatisfied she would be if she owned it. It is immediately expressed, as she pulls down the corners of her mouth and presses her lips together.

This is a good example of someone displaying their feelings for all to see. But while her mouth is telling us she is dissatisfied, she is also telling herself. She would make this expression in private, as well. Try thinking of something you don’t like and see what happens to your mouth.Continue Reading

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Q: How do I find a job?

To be honest, starting a job is not always as easy as it sounds. When my clients with HFA/Asperger’s are trying to start a job it is very important that we go about it the right way, which may take longer, but ensures stability in the workplace. In older posts I have discussed work assessments, and I still believe they are a wonderful tool for learning what environments you will do best in. I highly recommend using work assessments. The same outcome could be achieved through volunteering as well.

If work assessments can’t be completed, then here is what I suggest:Continue Reading

I recently came across a news report on how more parents are turning to the use of Melatonin as a sleep aid for their children. I found this quite interesting because being an ASD mom who is heavily involved with an online ASD parent community, we have had many conversations about Melatonin. Some of us really depend on Melatonin due to the fact that one of the characteristics of Autism involves inability to sleep or self regulate.

So before writing this article today, I posted to the community and waited for their responses.

Hi Everyone! I am writing on the topic of Melatonin for kids on the spectrum. Please view this video and post comments on you and your child’s experience with the use of Melatonin or on your decision not to use Melatonin.melotonin


Click here for video

One thing I must mention is that ASD Mom’s are the best! Autism is such a puzzle and what works for one child doesn’t necessarily work for all children on the spectrum, so incidentally, ASD Mom’s experiment and find ways to make life easier for their children. Every ASD parent’s experience with Melatonin is different than the next parent’s experience. These are some of the experiences that were shared from my online community:Continue Reading


The focus of our last blog was the use of mnemonic devices to support academic success. This week we will expand on this concept with the introduction of anchor charts. I love that anchor charts are considered a general education strategy to support typical learners. As we have discussed before, most individuals benefit from visual supports. Individuals with an autism spectrum are especially responsive to visual strategies as indicated by studies on the brain.


Continue Reading

One of the most common concerns when working towards employment, interviewing and accepting an offer is the decision to disclose your disability or not. This a very personal decision, and one that you should feel comfortable with.

Many concerns the employment seeker has can include:

Will it affect how I am perceived at work?

Will others judge me?

Who do I disclose too?

When do I disclose?

In the next few entries I will discuss answers to the aforementioned questions. I will address the different types of disclosures – such as full disclosure, partial disclosure and not disclosing – as well as what to do after you answer yes to the question: “Can you do this job with or without a reasonable accommodation?”

By: Maggie Cromeens

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, and as an employment specialist who strives for equal employment for everyone I work with, this is a great month to celebrate how far we’ve come. Although the numbers are not where they should be in regards to equal employment…things are changing.

I hope that the blogs leading up to this one have helped, or can help you in the future as you strive toward employment. Let us celebrate our unique and wonderful capabilities. Instead of letting our difference hold us back, let it be something that, in the words of Samuel Allen, “Gives us wings.”

Here is a great website that talks more about this month:


-Maggie Cromeens

In our home it’s a gift to have Aspergers. That’s what we believe and that’s what our son believes to his core. While researchers and scientists continue their quest to discover the source of Autism, I know I love my son exactly for who and what he is.


His uniqueness and contributions to the world seem advanced, and his intense interests and thought processes are from a different mind, literally. What a gift! This, of course, is not without its challenges but I’ve always felt privileged to raise a son on the spectrum. Because of this, I believe that a mother feeling ‘blame’ should never come into the equation.Continue Reading


Though it’s easy to get caught up in the negative, with a little humor Nikki J. reminds us to look for the good in life, and stay resilient.