I recently came across a news report on how more parents are turning to the use of Melatonin as a sleep aid for their children. I found this quite interesting because being an ASD mom who is heavily involved with an online ASD parent community, we have had many conversations about Melatonin. Some of us really depend on Melatonin due to the fact that one of the characteristics of Autism involves inability to sleep or self regulate.

So before writing this article today, I posted to the community and waited for their responses.

Hi Everyone! I am writing on the topic of Melatonin for kids on the spectrum. Please view this video and post comments on you and your child’s experience with the use of Melatonin or on your decision not to use Melatonin.melotonin


Click here for video

One thing I must mention is that ASD Mom’s are the best! Autism is such a puzzle and what works for one child doesn’t necessarily work for all children on the spectrum, so incidentally, ASD Mom’s experiment and find ways to make life easier for their children. Every ASD parent’s experience with Melatonin is different than the next parent’s experience. These are some of the experiences that were shared from my online community:Continue Reading

In our home it’s a gift to have Aspergers. That’s what we believe and that’s what our son believes to his core. While researchers and scientists continue their quest to discover the source of Autism, I know I love my son exactly for who and what he is.


His uniqueness and contributions to the world seem advanced, and his intense interests and thought processes are from a different mind, literally. What a gift! This, of course, is not without its challenges but I’ve always felt privileged to raise a son on the spectrum. Because of this, I believe that a mother feeling ‘blame’ should never come into the equation.Continue Reading

“The Best of Times and The Worst of Times”

Two common things that parents struggle with when their child is on the Autism Spectrum is communication delays (or lack entirely of) and elopement (or wandering). I won’t say that the children struggle with these things because my children were completely content with the fact that they had no need to Continue Reading



Aspergers101 Launch!

WOAI-TV 4 reports on the launch and inspiration behind the new full resource website on High-Functioning Autism and Aspergers Syndrome called….aspergers101.com!